The BE Attitudes
Ten Paths to Holiness
There are many paths to heaven. Each one of us is called to discover our own unique way to grow in holiness whether it be as a parent, spouse, babysitter, beautician, bartender, or businessperson. No matter the occupation or role we play in life, there are ten characteristics that should shine in the life of every Christian disciple. Each independent talk explores three or four of the ten important attitudes that will shape each one of us into the person God calls us to be, with segments focused on:
Relational and Self-giving Love
Compassion, Surrender, and Being Contemplative
Living in the Present Moment and Passion for Peace and Justice
Gratitude and Your Own Unique Path to Holiness
Catching Fire, Becoming Flame
A Guide for Spiritual Transformation
Ever wonder how some people become enthusiastic and on fire about their relationship with God? In this six-session video presentation, Father Albert Haase gives you the tools and kindling to prepare for the spark of God in your life—and then shows you how to fan it into flame until you are set ablaze. His teaching glows with time-tested wisdom as an experienced spiritual director shares the secrets of the saints.
Spiritual Journey as a process of transformation
Your Image of God
The examen
The 7 principles of prayer
The Challenge of Forgiveness
God’s will
Come, Follow Me
Six Responses to the Call of Jesus
Down through the ages, people have responded in various ways to the invitation of Jesus to follow him. Some of those responses have attracted followers and sparked new and rich spiritual traditions. In this DVD, Albert Haase, OFM, scholar of Christian spirituality, highlights six of the most vital spiritual traditions in the history of the Church.
Keeping the Fire Alive
Navigating Challenges in the Spiritual Life
The spiritual journey often takes twists and turns through territory that is uncharted and unexplored. It is so easy to become disoriented, lost, and even discouraged. Where do we go for direction? How do we find our way? In this follow-up to his best-selling Catching Fire, Becoming Flame, Father Albert Haase, OFM, mines the insights of our rich spiritual tradition and offers six presentations which become a road map and guide for the difficult terrain of the soul.
Near Occasions of Grace and Spiritual Direction
Resisting Temptations
Dryness, Darkness, Desolation, or Depression?
Making Sense of Suffering
Living in the Present Moment
The Agenda of the Ego
Saying Yes
Discovering and Responding to God’s Will in Your Life
Discerning God’s will is an ongoing process—not a static one-time decision! Albert Haase, ofm, scholar of Christian spirituality and spiritual mentor to hundreds, is known for offering clear, practical spiritual advice. This video is packed with concise counsel and real-life examples, unlocking the benefits of the ancient practice of discernment.
God’s Dream of the Kingdom
Ten Attitudes for Discernment
Listening: The Heart of Discernment
A Discerning Lifestyle
Discerning the Designs of the Devil
Wrestling with God