el Sacramento del Bautismo
En esta presentación nueva y poderosa, el padre Thomas Scirghi introduce a los padres, padrinos y a las personas del Ritual de Iniciación Cristiana de Adulto, al Sacramento del Bautismo y al papel de éste en la Iglesia actual. Además, responde a las preguntas comunes: * ¿Por qué nos bautizamos? * ¿Por qué bautizó a Jesús Juan el Bautista? * ¿Cuándo la Iglesia comenzó a bautizar infantes? * ¿Cuál es el papel de un padrino? * ¿Por qué es importante el ritual?
The Sacrament of Baptism
A Guide to this Celebration of New Life
In this powerful new DVD presentation, Father Thomas Scirghi introduces parents, godparents, and those involved in RCIA to the Sacrament of Baptism and its role in the Church today. Authoritative, lively, and full of video examples of baptisms and insights from lay Catholics, Father Scirghi then walks through the “Five parts of the ritual of Baptism,” one-by-one, in detail, explaining what each step means. He answers tough questions that Catholics have today about this Sacrament, explains what it means to “remember” our Baptism, and how, as Catholics, our Baptism carries us through until our death.
Answers common questions like:
Why do we baptize?
Why did John the Baptist baptize Jesus?
When did the Church begin baptizing infants?
What’s the role of a godparent?
How is ritual important?
Kids and the Saints
St. Mary and St. Joseph
History is filled with stories of famous people who loved God with all their hearts through some amazing and challenging times. We have so much to learn from them, and from their unforgettable examples of service to God and the people around them.
In ten video chapters, Lisa M. Hendey presents essential, recognizable, Catholic saints, plus a saint-in-the-making, and two examples of famous Protestant “saints” – all of whom show us what it means to live a life for God:
Saint Peter
Saint Paul
Saint Patrick
Saint Juan Diego
Saint Katharine Drexel
Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Dorothy Day
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Kids and Prayer
Catholic Edition
Introduce your kids, your classroom, to prayer with this lively new video presentation in four sessions, each asking a basic question. These four segments include explanations from Br. Mickey, interviews with kids, onscreen storyboard Bible teaching featuring Br. Mickey’s illustrations, and “on the road” field trips to look at each question from a different angle.
What Is Prayer?
Why Do We Pray?
How Do We Pray?
Where Do We Pray?
Kids and the Sacraments
Set of Four Sacraments
Introduce your kids, your classroom to four of the sacraments with this lively new video presentation. Each segment includes explanations from Father Ken, interviews with kids, on-screen storyboard Bible teaching, images from around the world, and “on the road” field trips to explore in depth where certain things come from, like Baptism’s water, the altar bread of Communion, and Confirmation’s oil.